At some point during college, I picked up the habit of bringing my camera everywhere. One night, on the way out to The Bars, I was walking behind two bros, dressed identically, lumbering along with big heads atop their oversized necks. I got that photo and it clarified the ability of my camera to serve as the scalpel excoriating the drudgery of society.

Back in high school, I had already discovered the ability of my camera to capture a girlfriend’s smile and the lightening in her eyes. 

In Goya’s greatest scenes we seem to see

the people of the world

exactly at the moment when 

they first attained the title of

’suffering humanity’

-Lawrence Ferlinghetti

My photography climbs to the top of modernity’s garbage heap by facing our suffering humanity. By undercutting where appropriate and reinstalling a sense of beauty and wonder. Always vacillating between ugly and disgusting, and surprising, quaint, and beautiful. My photos are fleeting moments frozen in motion.

Charles Siegel




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